Monday, July 8, 2013


It is the 66th Anniversary of the crash of "something" in Roswell, New Mexico.

"Something" that has generated more speculative fiction, radio broadcasts, films, video, books, web-sites, magazines, investigations, newspaper articles, photographs, files (both inside and outside the U.S. government), nervous breakdowns, sleepless nights, divorces, marriages--and probably resulted in not a few babies--than most other events (save war or terrorist activities) in our collective experiences.

While Roswell has become a tourist trap--the town, itself, famous (even though the crash was on a farm outside of town)--enough true believers have trekked there to allow a modicum of prosperity. There is even the "official" alien highway taking you to the "official" museums and guided tours of the area. Souvenir shops abound. The diner patrons will regale anyone asking, about all the local details--as well as the "insider details"-- of the supposed cover-up. Yet, even as one can see only scraggly landscape at the "site"--the government having sent out military troops to scour and cleanse the area of any debris--one can't help but feel that, indeed,"something happened here".

If you do even a cursory investigation on-line, you will find enough information to make you an instant Roswell junkie. Why a junkie? Because, my friends, while the U.S. government denies that anything resembling space debris landed on the ground at Roswell, the U.S. government has also denied and changed its story, several times. After the first badly staged (ill-timed) denial, just the day after announcing that they "had something", the "unofficial investigation began". Rarely have so many engaged in finding the truth after their government has blatantly lied. In a time when the Web wasn't dreamed of by the average citizen, outrage at military cover-ups, was. Besides, there were eye-witnesses--and NOT just the soldiers sweeping the desert floor.

The cowboy who first discovered the debris went public--has the photographs (and supposedly, some of the debris, still) to prove it. Local denizens abounded, willingly telling of "small bodies" --some dead, others, not so dead--whisked away on military trucks. There were others--officials who had held their silence for fifty-years--finally coming forward, decades later. Under strict oaths of loyalty--or threats not so veiled--they poured forth details only they had seen. (None of the details supported the various "weather balloon" or "altitude testing" the military still insists caused the uproar.) Families of these witnesses have also validated the unchanging stories of their fathers, aunts and uncles. (How many times have we read about the coming-out of military personnel, on their death-beds, swearing, before they met their Creator, they wanted to attest to the fact: "Something DID drop from the sky at Roswell...and it wasn't from this planet...")

When the government leaks become government cracks, new questions arise. (Especially since government policy, as well as funded investigations, have also changed, over the years.) There are simply too many people with video-cameras, unflagging interest and ways to share what they have witnessed, to deny: "Something is out there...flying over us...inter-acting with us..." (And there isn't a helluva lot any government can do to stop it.)

As many theories about alien visitors are posted, as there are people on the planet. The more common ones include: the "visitors/invaders" have always been here; that they are part of the eco-system of the Earth; that they ARE us--from the future, now returning to view their own history; that they have come from other dimensions; that they have come from other Universes; that they have time-warped and worm-holed their way to this tiny, stunning, messed up planet, in search of answers to save themselves; that they are angels; that they are demons; that they are here to save us; that they are here to invade us; that they are here to wipe us clean and try a new species out; that We have been made BY them--a vast science-fair project, still under surveillance; that we are the Universe's "zoo"; that even as we trek to places like Roswell, New Mexico, seeking TRUTH, aliens trek here...

All the holy books of organized religions from the corners of our planet mention visions coming from the sky--beings and lights and fire and wondrous powers--descending to Earth and interacting with its inhabitants. Records in rock, in caves, on pottery, on pyramids (hey...that's another pyramids on a grid, all over the Earth...hmmm) or in oral traditions from tribes whose culture doesn't build enormous monuments...everywhere we dig or look, there are remnants the various governments couldn't sweep away. Is this a simple coincidence or mass hallucination? What about the records in the Earth's own strata? In the forests and the deserts and lake bottoms or ocean beds? Everywhere--including--some scientists attest--in our own dna. (What is all that unidentified "junk DNA", anyway?)

Today, the artifacts are on video and digital files. In our books and in our heads. Still, governments won't come forward--at least not completely. And yet, secrets abound. (If there is nothing to tell, why are there secrets about that "nothing"?) Even our presidents are not privy--not totally.

In some places in the world, officials HAVE simply admitted that "something is out there"--something unexplainable. Something that may have always been watching us...may have always been beyond our reach. The United States, in its "need to know" class system of authority, only admits these facts when it "slips".

Are these "slips" really ways to get the information to the public without too much panic? Or humiliation? Or admission about this, and other lies, held from the populace, over the years? Hmmm...

In any case, do your own research. What do you think? I'm still baffled--and intrigued. (Where are those tiny bodies, recovered from the Roswell crash? Did they have Souls? Will our Heaven be populated with other species from other realms--or just us, if we are lucky enough to make it? Do I have to wait till then to find out the truth?)

Happy 66th anniversary, Roswell. Keep the faith!       

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