Wednesday, November 26, 2014


In these times, as children all around us are murdered; as adults plead  and plot and plan to destroy "the others" that cause their pain; as we leach the planet's blood; burning our collective destiny in the process; as even the light from the stars is hidden by the commercial tinsel halogen false promises of the vendors who pile their plastic wares around our hearts; so many voices cry out, cry past, cry so deeply we  have to put in earbuds just to walk around...there is no room for silence.

Yet, that is exactly what is necessary.

For a moment. For a breath. For a heart's battered beat.

To understand that, when we put all our blames into one scream, it becomes the bomb that shatters the world. And so, just for a nanosecond (at first),perhaps we must put down the rabid dog of blame and feel the collective pain.

We have to, perhaps, own our own grief and own our own responsibility and own our own forgiveness.

 Our own healing. A moment of quiet; of breath.

Even as we admit our culpability in institutions rising around us that have never been for our good. In sins of the flesh; in omissions of truth; in false pride; in greed; in grasping; in letting the suffering of others rush past because it's just too hard; too pain-filled; too much to consider. (Especially because we are all so hungry; deep down. Even the so-called privileged: famished.)Grasping. Gasping for a life which touches the Wounded Child in us all. To actually acknowledge "the others" while we ache in ourselves becomes impossible. So, we turn and strike out and hate...but what if we just stopped, cold? Stopped the analysis and the politics and the emptiness and took that moment to look, inside.

We must not destroy another thing.(If everything is connected.) We must not kill another being. (If all life is sacred. Powerful. A reflection of the Creator.) No matter how heinous or irritating or down-right miserable that person walking next to us is, we have to see OURSELF, reflected. Then, we have to forgive and become better. Not just in touch with our anger. Not just furious with "the other". Not just political, but truly spiritual. Changing the whole self, inside, one breath at a time.

All over this planet, there are people dying. Being killed for all the wrong reasons. Hating and bombing and shattering and hurting and starving and so it has always been. But, maybe, if we learn to stop. (Just for a nanosecond.) See our own tender spots. Breathe. Own our own sins; not shirk from that terrible recognition; and be silent. (Touch down.) Reach for the next person's hands...not in terror. Not in disgust. Not in payback or blame...but in asking for help. (Please.) What if we took a single moment to ask...ourselves and each other?

What would the answers be, then?

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