So,my trusty friend can no longer interface with my ethernet...I am regulated to this little netbook with only a wee memory and a keypad that makes me want to scream...I need a full time teaching job; I need a new laptop with a current operating program that recognizes my house's wireless signal; I need professional clothes that are not from the boys' section of Goodwill...I need to be able to pay my debts; my taxes; get a car less than twenty years old and a new pair of bi-focals!
I had to miss a day of subbing because I had to be home to meet with the computer guy cause though others use the wireless system, "I am the reason it is here in this house..." Of course they sent the guy right out and of course the minute he came, the wireless was on, except for my fried friend upstairs.
"Better take it into the shop...could be a virus...could be the ethernet card...can't say..."
Now, I owe the "visit". Now I have my writing life and my scholastic life (including every damned lesson plan I've ever written) on that old Gateway and it won't give them up...I just paid WEBROOT to renew my security two days before the laptop expired....arrrrrgggghh.....I thought it was supposed to stop virus activity in its tracks? Well, the healing of the laptop will have to take place after the paying of the income taxes and the other bills still wending their way into this house. It is amazing to find that one's life can come to a screeching halt so easily...
"Thank God that you have the netbook!" Mom shakes her finger at me as she spreads low fat mayo on oatmeal bread. (Mom who cannot even operate a Jitterbug...)
Yes. Thank God.
I do. Every day.
I had to miss a day of subbing because I had to be home to meet with the computer guy cause though others use the wireless system, "I am the reason it is here in this house..." Of course they sent the guy right out and of course the minute he came, the wireless was on, except for my fried friend upstairs.
"Better take it into the shop...could be a virus...could be the ethernet card...can't say..."
Now, I owe the "visit". Now I have my writing life and my scholastic life (including every damned lesson plan I've ever written) on that old Gateway and it won't give them up...I just paid WEBROOT to renew my security two days before the laptop expired....arrrrrgggghh.....I thought it was supposed to stop virus activity in its tracks? Well, the healing of the laptop will have to take place after the paying of the income taxes and the other bills still wending their way into this house. It is amazing to find that one's life can come to a screeching halt so easily...
"Thank God that you have the netbook!" Mom shakes her finger at me as she spreads low fat mayo on oatmeal bread. (Mom who cannot even operate a Jitterbug...)
Yes. Thank God.
I do. Every day.
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