So we are all concerned about oil spills, BP payments, vacations ruined, marinelife dying and long term effects on the planet. Me too. But I am more concerned, at this precise moment, about Congressional paper-shuffling and behind-the-scenes huffing and chest-puffing. I am concerned about this unemployment refusal, because there are far more of us hitting the pavement and sitting in doorways, clutching resumes, loosening ties and trying not to cry. (I know, I passed two such business people exiting on Wilshire, less than an hour ago.)
Look, I rarely do this. I know that my political agenda is usually left of center of most of the people I know...but this is nuts and bolts time, folks. After cutting my phone plan to the absolute cheapest I could get, today, I was speaking with rep. Heather (from East Texas), where she was handling my call. While waiting for the computers to find me, she chatted. She cannot watch t.v. right now because of the coverage of the oil spill. (She is not only an animal lover but also a Mom.) She is watching the results of that debacle, as it affects the people all around her. In addition, she is dealing with people having to close accounts, at a time when they need their phones the most. Her voice cracked as we spoke.
I shared that I am also unemployed and downsizing, yet again. With Congress on the edge of edging us all into the streets, this is stomach- ache time. Heather agreed. We shared a rare human connection on a hot summer day, one of us outside an oil spill and the other, outside homeless-filled streets, in different parts of the U.S. Heather knows what is happening.
Congress! Please! I've written to all the senators I can. I've sent all the e-mails and calls.(I even wrote to Barrack and Mrs. President!) Whatever you have to do in D.C., do it! Please extend the unemployment benefits! We are still looking for work. We haven't caved--why are you?
So many have just been hit with this news--almost immediately losing their benefits. Some within days! No planning. No "heads up alert". Just no funds...even as we had voted and believed our government would rally and lose its bi-partisan politiking long enough to offer us a little breathing room to re-group. Even as we are called upon, daily, to "be tough"--what about you?
What do they think is going to happen when everyone is pushed into the streets? It isn't just the President who will be the target of upset, it is everyone holding office and holding out. If our only power is our vote, then, do you think you are gaining fans? It isn't the lollagags and slackers that are committing suicide in fast food joints, taking innocent people with them, putting bullets into their sleeping families because they don't know what else to do. No one is living high on the hog during unemployment--I can personally vouch for that. But, at least,it was a bit of hope in a desperate time. Now, Congress is refusing even that crumb.
So, what I don't usually do: anyone out there who is a friend or knows a friend, or even an acquaintance who is unemployed, take a minute and shoot an e-mail to your Senators. PLEASE! Go to their official websites. There is a short form where you fill in your name, your e-mail address, etc. and then a box where you can type in the message for them to vote to extend unemployment relief to those of us barely holding on. It takes only about five minutes of your time. You don't have to be eloquent. (Or, if you want to be eloquent, have at it.) But send a message, today, right now, please. If you don't know who your senators are, you can ask google to find them, state by state. No excuses! You can even send them an e-mail if you aren't of voting age or not registered. Please take this action.
It is a human thing we can all do for each other. Person to person. No money. No licking of stamps or using up cell minutes. Just an e-mail to your senators to let them know that we have to do this. We can't end the wars we are waging. We can't give back the lost homes or the stolen pensions.We can't re-wind the oil spill. We can't even clean all the beaches. But we CAN make Washington pay attention; we can take a minute to alleviate one human misery that is affecting so many across the nation--it isn't simple but it is just.
If you don't believe me, call ATand T and ask to speak to Heather. She'll tell you.
Gracias. Vaya con Dios.
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